Our Observations

Why Your Organization Needs a Strategic Plan

Texts. Phone calls. Meetings. Twitter posts. Emails. Assignments. Coworkers. Family needs. Breaking news. Volunteering. Mentoring.

For many people, these types of activities can easily fill a day. And, within any type of organization, simply multiply the number of people with these distractions to find out how much time is available to think about its long-term success. In fact, so much time is spent in the weeds of operation, there is little time to notice the aerial view of the organizational environment.

The website “English Language and Usage” credits English writer John Heywood with first coining the phrase that has become “can’t see the forest for the trees.”

In our line of work, we often advise clients to take the time to get a 20,000-foot birds eye view of their organization’s big picture. Too much time often is spent on the forest floor, resulting in less appreciation of the overall scene.

Our experience shows a clear correlation between entities that take the time to chart out their course through the use of a strategic plan, and those that don’t. With a strategic plan, all employees and stakeholders have a clear sense of a group’s priorities. And, they know that as events and shifts take place, the plan can be adjusted to meet new realities.

Often, the concern about pursuing a strategic plan comes down to time, cost and an organization’s ability to commit to the process. With experienced facilitators that know how to listen, interpret and help establish realistic – yet meaningful – goals, strategies and tactics, then a well-crafted, cost-effective plan is established and leaders can focus their time to make sure the organization is going down a strategic path.

If you haven’t taken the time to look at your organization’s big picture, schedule time to do so in the next week. You might be surprised by what you see – and what you need.

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